Game Design
About Me
...aka, the Computer Artist's Tools Suite! This Python add-on tools menu for Blender allows digital artists to create and control Non-Photorealistic Rendering styles without needing to edit shader graphs directly.
  • Designed user-friendly UI/UX that builds on existing 2D digital art software conventions
  • Created a system for procedurally generating modular shaders with streamlined controls
A few of the D3 visualizations I've worked on in recent years, including:
  • PokeMonitor, which shows data about all the Pokemon spawns a trainer will encounter in their journey through the Kanto region
  • Fandom Walk, a choice-driven, narrative viz that centers around the experience and reception of writing fanfiction within fandom
This research investigated existing methods of generating cities, compared them against real-world structural and social concerns, and improved upon representations in ways that begin to account for the depth of urban life.
  • Maya MEL scripting to procedurally generate buildings
  • Developed C# algorithms in Unity to procedurally generate cities bounded by realistic urban constraints